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CSE Mains 2025: Civil Engineering Solved Paper-1
CSE Mains 2025: Civil Engineering Solved Paper-1
ISBN: 9789362020697
No. of Pages: 856

Publisher Name: MADE EASY Publications

Author Name: MADE EASY Team

Binding: Paperback
Overall Rating:
Price:806.25 (25% OFF)
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MADE EASY Publicationsaims to provide high-quality and updated books as per the latest syllabus of UPSC Civil Services Examination.

UPSC CSE Mains 2025: Civil Engineering Solved Paper-1is one such resource that the researchers and content developers at MADE EASY have created with their technical knowledge and expertise.

This book contains 30years’ (1995-2024) solved papers of Civil Services Main Examination:Civil Engineering (Paper-I). This book is thoroughly revised and updated and segregated in topic-wise manner. In this book, solutions are given on step-by-step basis.

MADE EASY team has studied previous exam papers of Civil Services Main Examination and observed that a good percentage of questions have been asked in Engineering Services Exam, Indian Forest Service Exam as well as State Services Exams. Therefore, apart from being useful for CSE, this book is also recommended forESE, IFS and other state engineering examinations for engineering graduates.

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